Fun - Humor

More fun: Recipes | Humor


Q: Why was the man fired from the orange juice factory?

A:  He couldn’t concentrate


Q: How does a horse order in a restaurant?

A: A-la-carte.


Q: What is a Giraffe’s favorite fruit?

A: A Neck-tarine


Q: Where does a 500 lb. Gorilla sit?

A: Anywhere he wants.


Q: How do you make an Elephant float?

A: 1 glass of root beer and 2 scoops of Elephant.


Q: Why do Giraffes have such long necks?

A: Because their feet stink.


Q: What word starts with “e,” ends with “e,” and only has one letter?

A: Envelope.


Q: What do you call a cow with no legs?

A: Ground beef


Q: Did you hear about the fire at the circus?

A: It was in tents.


Q: Why don’t sharks eat clowns?

A: They taste funny.


Q: What do pigs use to write top-secret messages?

A: Invisible oink.


Q: What do you get when you cross a pig with a wildcat?

A: Sausage lynx.


Q: Why did the sheep take dance lessons?

A: She wanted to be a baaaaaaaalerina.


Q: What do cats use to cut the grass?

A: A lawn meower.


Q: What does a sheep use to carry its books?

A: A baaaaaackpack.


Q: What is a sheep’s favorite sport?

A: Baaaaaadminton.


Q: What did the snake say to his ex-girlfriend?

A: “Let’s hiss and make up.”


Q: Who’s every sheep’s favorite superhero?

A: Baaaaaatman.


Q: What do you get when you cross an anteater and a dog?

A: An aardbark.


Q: What do cats like to eat on hot days?

A: Mice-cream cones.

Outpost Sound Mixing Company

Outpost Sound Mixing Company